Celebrated 21st anniversary of International Noise Awareness Day 2016 : #StopSoundPollution

2:00:00 AM

Department of Environment under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Bangladesh Government celebrated 21st anniversary of International Noise Awareness Day 2016, 27 April in Dhaka located at Manik Miah Avenue. 

Image: Opening ceremony of 21st anniversary of International Noise Awareness Day 2016.
Image: Honorable Minister Abdullah Al Islam Jacob (RIGHT), MP,  Deputy Minister of Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Bangladesh Government started the opening ceremony of 21st anniversary of International Noise Awareness Day 2016.
In the day observation and campaign program there was presented Honorable Minister Abdullah Al Islam Jacob, MP,  Deputy Minister of Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Bangladesh Government; Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed. Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests Bangladesh; Md. Raisul Alam Mondal, Director General of Department of Environment; Mr. Farid Ahmed, Project Director of Coordination and Partnership Program to Control Noise Pollution; Mr. Saifuddin Ahmed, Founder and Executive Director of the Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust and others Government & Non-government officials; civil Society people, journalist, teachers, parents, students of Dhanmondi Government Boys' High School, WBB Trust, Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh (ACLAB) and others NGOs representatives are participated into the day observance and raised their voice to Stop Sound Pollution

Image: ACLAB participated in the 21st anniversary of International Noise Awareness Day 2016 celebration program organized by Department of Environment. 
Also, Prokriti O Jibon Foundation organized a live television program ‘Gaane Gaane Shokal Suru’ in collaboration with Coordination and Partnership Program to Control Noise Pollution telecasted through Channel-i in the morning at 07-9am at Channel i Bhaban.  

Image: After finished the program everybody jammed together for photo session. Hasanuzzaman, Program Officer of ACLAB in the MIDDLE with black T-shirt — Md. Raisul Alam Mondal, Director General of Department of Environment (LEFT); Mr. Saifuddin Ahmed, Founder and Executive Director of the Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust (RIGHT) and others.
Image: Students of Dhanmondi Government Boys' High School are also participated into the 21st anniversary of International Noise Awareness Day 2016 celebration to raise voice together for Stop Sound Pollution. 

Find all images in Picasa Web Albums!


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