ACLAB Developed 5 Years Strategic Plan for 2016 to 2020

8:34:00 PM

In consideration of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Seventh Five Year Plan of Bangladesh Government, Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh (ACLAB) has been developed a 5 Years Strategic Plan for 2016 to 2020.

ACLAB Strategic Plan 2016 to 2020 covered following subjects under the five years organizational plan; Background of the Organization, Legal Status, General Information, Mission, Vision, Value, Goals & Objectives, Focused Areas, Target Beneficiaries, Working Areas and Population Coverage, Current Project, Survey and Study & Research, Human Resource Development, Documentation and Reporting & Dissemination, Monitoring and Evaluation (ME), Participation, Staff Appraisal and Auditing, Finance, Outcomes, Risk Management, Observance of National and International Days, Priority of Projects, Women’s Empowerment, Partnership and Networking, Management and Development Approach, Implementation Strategy, Gender and Child Policy, Plan View, Future Plan.
The 5 Years Strategic Plan of ACLAB is organized according to organization’s core strategies (i.e.: Community Development with Health, Education, Food, Human Rights, Access to Information, Climate Change and Disaster Management; youth Development; Community Radio Program Development and Broadcast with the Participation of Community People; and Sustainable Development Goals) that make up the organization’s five-year plan, and then outlines priorities and policy positions under each core strategy. It also outlines how ACLAB will address each.

Because a Strategic Plan of an organization is the core master plans for organizational working policy for the years have to come a long while that how an organization will take action, and implement project and entire activities. Strategic Plan also include with future plan and long time budget review, income and expenditure outline including define the course of livelihood of all beneficiaries.  ACLAB developed Strategic Plan with few specific needs based planning: 
  1. Time bound planning to proceed in achieving organization’s vision, 
  2. Steps towards attainment of organization’s goal, 
  3. Setting mechanisms/techniques towards achieving objectives, 
  4. Copping up ACLAB with others as well as with changed situations of the changing society, 
  5. Collective efforts through set channel towards definite destination.
Under the developed strategic plan review, ACLAB has been working among Hard Core Poor People; Vulnerable Women; Commercial Sex Workers; Street Children, Working Children; Disabled Children and Adolescents; Transport, Factory & Migrant Workers and Laborers, Women Farmers, Fishermen, and Farmers; Tobacco Users and Tobacco Cultivators; Slum Dwellers and Internal Migrant People; MSM, Hijra and IDUs, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Right; Ethnic Community and Youths; Farmers and Fishermen to development of their livelihood, ensure their all rights, and empower them that they can play role as active citizen in the country.
ACLAB prioritized Seventh Five Year Plan of Government of Bangladesh and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of United Nations, ACLAB focused on the following areas to address Government Plans and SDGs Global Goals: 
  1. Education- pre-formal, formal and non-formal,
  2. Population, HIV/Malaria/TB and WATSAN,              
  3. Legal Support, Care Protection and Rehabilitation,
  4. Health, Food, Water, Nutrition, Sanitation, Human Rights,
  5. Community Radio Program, and Different Community Initiative,
  6. Environment, Sound Pollution, Climate Change and Disaster Management,
  7. Youth Development, Capacity Building and Skill-up,
  8. Right to Food, Food Security and Safety, and Nutrition,
  9. Good Governance and Human Rights,
  10. Create Social Harmony, and Buildup Unified Social Justice,
  11. Reduce Social Vulnerability, Unrest, Any form of Social Violence.
ACLAB is implementing its activities in 26 districts under 5 divisions of the country. The services are being provided through 20 Offices located at the project areas. ACLAB has covered a total number of 10,11,790 beneficiaries through its various projects.  So, according the Strategic Plan, ACLAB will expand its organizational project coverage around the Bangladesh upto Upazila, Union and Village level too.
Currently ACLAB is implementing 17 numbers of Projects with support of different national and international donors and partner organization. 
Project Name
Cumulative Fund (BDT & USD)
Project Area
Malaria Control Program
GFATM through  Govt & BRAC
(US$ 7,07,336)
Chakaria & Pekua Upazila, Cox’s Bazar
Tobacco Control Program (TCP)
Bloomberg Philanthropies & The Union
(US$ 5,18,395)
Barisal Division & 6 Districts of Dhaka Division
Link-UP Project
HASAB &  Government of Netherlands
Cox’s Bazar & Chittagong Districts
2014- continuing
Vulnerable Group Development-VGD
Directory of Women Affairs, Government of Bangladesh
15, 52,419
(US$ 20,161)
Pekua and Kutubdia Upazilas, of Cox’s Bazar
2013- continuing
Non- Formal Education
(US$ 11,412)
Teknaf & Pekua Upazila of Cox’s Bazar District
Scaling Up Nutrition
CSA for SUN, Bangladesh
(US$ 3,896)
Rangamati, Chittagong, & Cox’s Bazar Districts
2014- continuing
Community Radio
A2I- Prime Minister Officer & ACLAB
(US$ 19,480)
Teknaf Upazila of Cox’s Bazar District
2012 - continuing
Eradication of Hazardous Child Labour in Bangladesh
Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of Bangladesh, GoB
43,31,250/- (US$ 55,530)
Savar Upazila, of Dhaka district
2013- 2014
Income Generating Activities through Microcredit
(US$ 117900)
Jessore & Jhenaidah Districts
2004- continuing
Expanding HIV/Prevention Service with (MSM & Transgender) in Bangladesh
GFATM, ICDDR, B through Light House
(US$ 36,051)
Satkhira District

Community Legal Service 
(US$  519)
Dhaka &
Gazipur Districts
Influencing policy people for positioning the sexual and reproductive health and rights.
International Planned Parenthood Federation-IPPF
(US$ 9,500)
Cox’s Bazar District & National Level
2014- continuing
Bio-gas planting and improved stove uses to reduce carbon emissions and development of alternate fuel resource
Institute of Fuel Research and Development (IFRD) and Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF) of Bangladesh Government
(US$ 69,230)
Barisal district
2014- Continuing
Innovation Project under Safe Migration for Bangladeshi Workers
Japan Social Development Fund & World Bank through BRAC
(US$ 29,155)
Pekua Upazilla of Cox’s bazaar District
2014- Continuing
International Professional Exchange Program
FK Norway
(US$ 9744)
Bangladesh, Myanmar, India & Nepal
2015- Continuing
Community Legal Service (CLS) Program
Maxwell Stamp PLC, UK AID, British Council through BLAST

Mohammadpur and Savar in Dhaka district

Youth Development Program
GoB, BNNRC, FK Norway, BRAC, OXFAM, WACC, AMARC, UNESCO, UNDP, ADB, BLAST, IPPF, Wolrd Bank, Alliance, JSDF, Press Unlimited and Radio Naf 99.2 FM

ACLAB’s working areas

Since inception, ACLAB conducting project implementation and activities with the participation others stakeholders, partners, donors, representative of the Government, local government, local NGOs and CBOs, CSOs, Community People, to ensure proper project implementation and batter’s outcomes. In future ACLAB will ensure participation of all types of stakeholders into all processes of project design, planning, implementation and development. ACLAB attaches paramount importance on different national and international days like World AIDS Day, World Health Day, Immunization Day, Human Rights Day, Child Rights Week, Female Child Day, Disaster Day, Hand washing Day, Women Repression Resistance Day, etc. and observes those days in a befitting manner.

ACLAB has established working partnership with Ministry of Education, Health & Family Welfare, Social Welfare, Women and Child Affairs, Labor and Manpower, Local Government, Information and Communication, Bangladesh Bank, World Bank, ADB, UNDP, UNICEF, ILO, SDC, JSDF, NGO Foundation, BRAC, BNNRC, PIACT Bangladesh, DORP, Aparajeyo Bangladesh, HASAB, Bloomberg Philanthropies and International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union). In implementing development projects, ACLAB focuses on building networking & linkage with GoB, NGOs, CSOs, CBOs and private sector. Good relationship is maintained with the local Government bodies, officials from law enforcers and other Government departments, local informal leaders, journalists, religious leaders, civil society representatives and community people.   

ACLAB planned to strengthen relationship with existing networking and membership will strengthen. On the others hand we will our membership and networking on the basis of organization’s goals and objectives.   
ACLAB highlight Gender Policy and Child Policy in the 5 years Strategic Plan for 2016 – 2020. So that all future plan, project and activities should be prioritize child and women rights and protection.

ACLAB strongly desires to expand its projects/programs in the following manners so that it can achieve its coveted goals and objectives within a reasonable period these are explore new fields of project implementation and strengthening existing project implementation. 

Strategic Plan, 2016 — 2020! has been compliance and prepared by Syed Tarikul Islam, Executive Director of ACLAB and Md. Hasanuzzaman Talukdar, Program Officer; including program dept. and finance department official are closely cooperate and contributed to finish this great task for the next 5 years plan-programming for Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh (ACLAB).

Download here Strategic Plan 2016  2020 of ACLAB!

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