In 10 December 2016, ACLAB

ACLAB Observed International Human Rights Day on 10 December 2016

In World AIDS Day 2016,

ACLAB Observed World AIDS Day 2016

In Bangladesh Country Coordinating Mechanisms, Bangladesh Malaria Control Programs Team

Bangladesh Malaria Control Programs Team nominated to Syed Tarikul Islam for election Bangladesh Country Coordinating Mechanisms (BCCM)

In Community Radio, Conference

Syed Tarikul Islam's speech at First SAARC Level Community Radio Conference, Kathmundhu-Nepal, 9th & 10th August 2016


District sharing meeting on Safe Migration for Bangladeshi Workers Project

In 2016, World No Tobacco Day

Photo Post: ACLAB Observed World No Tobacco Day 2016

In Achievement, ACLAB

Infographic: Quantitative & Qualitative Achievement of ACLAB's HIV/AIDS & Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Experience since 1995 in Bangladesh